The Christ Key: Unlocking The Centrality of Christ in the Old Testament is a 2021 book by Chad Bird that highlights Christ the Son of God as seen in the Old Testament before He came into the world in human flesh.
Bird is painstaking as he attempts to explain to the reader what constitutes the Bible and how "the past is our eye to the future" (p. 22, Bird, 2021); how the redemption that the Israelites experienced from Egypt was a picture of the redemption from sin and death that would come through Christ.
The reader understands as the pages turn, that Christ's fingerprints are all over the Old Testament; His sketches were in garden of Eden, in the ark of the covenant, in Melchizedek, in Gideon, in David; He was the Angel of the Lord that appeared to Abraham as he was about to sacrifice Isaac, and to Hagar as she waited for her child to die of thirst; He was in the fine print and in the big picture - you cannot escape Christ for He is the past, present, and future.
The Christ Key is the kind of book that leaves you wanting to dig deeper into Scripture. It is definitely worth a read; several reads, probably.